Aurora Promenade Streetscape At Yonge Street
We are enhancing the Aurora Promenade streetscape on Yonge Street (between Wellington Street and Church Street). This historic downtown area will be redesigned with streetscape improvements for key sections of the Yonge Street corridor. The purpose of this project is to enhance the public space, integrate the downtown business core with the newly constructed Aurora Town Square, and address required rehabilitation of existing infrastructure.
The Town has retained an Engineering Consultant to carry out technical studies and assessments for the subject area. Some elements that will be incorporated as part of the design include the following:
• Street light pole upgrades along Yonge Street
• Improvements for sidewalks, crosswalks, entry features, and signage
• Accessibility elements along Yonge Street
• Parking and traffic flow improvements in the downtown business core area
• Streetscape features such as landscaping, trees, and street furniture
• Rehabilitation and replacement of critical infrastructure
Review the DRAFT Conceptual Design now. (Please note that this is a preliminary conceptual plan only and the final design may be very different depending on the results of the technical studies and stakeholder input).
As part of this project, essential infrastructure such as the existing sanitary sewer (which was built in 1932) will be assessed and replaced as part of this construction project. The sewer mains along this part of Yonge Street have aged significantly and are approaching the end of their estimated service life, which is why it’s important to carry out these upgrades.
This project is currently commencing the design phase. We will be seeking your input through various stakeholder engagement efforts such as Public Information Centres (PIC) and Open House events in the future. Additional information and updates will be provided here throughout the course of the project.
Please ask our team questions, provide us with comments, and keep up with the news! Be sure check back on this page periodically for updates about this exciting new project!