Downtown Aurora
Consultation has concluded
Welcome to our Downtown Aurora page, which will serve as a central hub for you to visit and receive ongoing updates on Town projects taking place in Aurora's downtown. It is also a great place to interact with other members of the community on what's important to you as we revitalize the area.
Follow the links to the various projects to find the latest information on the efforts to revitalize Downtown Aurora. Be sure to check back often for updates and opportunities to share your thoughts and ideas.
Have a question? Ask us in the tab below.
Vision, Major ProjectsContinue reading
Welcome to our Downtown Aurora page, which will serve as a central hub for you to visit and receive ongoing updates on Town projects taking place in Aurora's downtown. It is also a great place to interact with other members of the community on what's important to you as we revitalize the area.
Follow the links to the various projects to find the latest information on the efforts to revitalize Downtown Aurora. Be sure to check back often for updates and opportunities to share your thoughts and ideas.
Have a question? Ask us in the tab below.
Vision, Major Projects and Plans Underway
Aurora Town Square - is one of the largest urban renewal projects in a historic downtown! Town Square is fully under construction with plans to open to the exciting community hub and cultural destination in late 2022. Town Square is designed to be the catalyst in Downtown Aurora Revitalization, drawing the attention of residents, businesses and visitors. For more information on this exciting project, visit Aurora Town Square | Engage Aurora.
Official Plan Review – the blueprint of the Town, the book of all life for how the Town will grow and evolve over time. The OP is currently being updated and will provide Council, staff, residents, businesses and investors with the direction in the areas of: growth, complete communities, environment, heritage and transportation. The discussion papers on each area are now available! What is the future of Aurora? Find out here - Official Plan Review | Engage Aurora
Streetscape Needs Assessment – Benches, patios, trees, oh my! What will Downtown Aurora look like with an updated Streetscape? Share your ideas now as we update the 2013 Streetscape plan to incorporate sustainability, accessibility, heritage, innovation and fun! We are updating the streetscape plan to incorporate new technologies, ideas and policies and want to hear your ideas. Share them here – Engage Aurora – Streetscape.
Community Improvement Plan – Downtown Aurora is part of the Aurora Promenade that has an incentive program called the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) that was designed to encourage various aspects of development. The CIP expired in 2019 and as we begin to emerge from COVID, along with the upcoming Official Plan update, the CIP needs a review and refresh. A new CIP will incorporate new policies and direction in the areas of accessibility, sustainability, heritage and establishing the Downtown as an amazing destination in York Region.
Partners and Supporters of Downtown Aurora
The Aurora Economic Development Corporation is a group of leaders that led the creation of the Economic Development Strategic Plan, and has a Downtown Committee dedicated to supporting growth and development in the Downtown.
Aurora Business Improvement Area – where historic entrepreneurship meets modern-day business leaders, the Aurora BIA is your connection to the downtown businesses. The Aurora BIA is made up of volunteer small business leaders in partnership with the Aurora Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Aurora Economic Development. If you locate your business in Downtown Aurora, be sure to connect with the BIA for a jump-start into the downtown business community!
Aurora Chamber of Commerce is the voice of business, and the Chamber leaders have taken the lead in supporting businesses through COVID. They have also launched an ongoing campaign to highlight the success of businesses across the entire town. As well, they are the leaders in building ongoing capacity for growth and success of our local businesses. For business support tools, visit the Chamber’s Accelerate Business Recovery Hub!
Niagara College and The Armoury. The Canadian Food and Wine Institute team has transformed history into an exciting space. Situated in Downtown Aurora at the edge of Town Park and will be a short walk from Town Square, The Armoury is a crowd pleaser with exquisite culinary treats and a full licensed patio! Upcoming events and culinary delights will encourage visitors to Aurora and the Downtown area.
Machell's Alley
Share Machell's Alley on Facebook Share Machell's Alley on Twitter Share Machell's Alley on Linkedin Email Machell's Alley linkThe first summer of fun and music at Machell's Alley officially comes to an end!
Machell's Alley has been a downtown hub for music, entertainment, dining and just plain ‘chillin’ space all summer long, thanks to our many local partners, artists, residents, visitors and businesses who all made this new space come to life.
This summer season saw pop-up musical performances, charity pop-up sales and was home to the Hoedown silent auction in support of several local charities.
Visit the Alley anytime, and for be sure to check the seasonal calendar of events at Explore Aurora.