Official Plan Review
Consultation has concluded
Town endorses new Official Plan to guide Town growth and development
Aurora Town Council adopted the Official Plan following extensive review and public consultation over the last four years.
Over the next 30 years Aurora will continue to grow and change. It is expected that in 30 years an additional 23,100 people will move to our town and call Aurora home. Over that same time period, an additional 10,600 jobs will be created for people to work in Aurora. In total, by 2051 it is predicted that Aurora will grow to a population of 85,800 and have a job marketContinue reading
Town endorses new Official Plan to guide Town growth and development
Aurora Town Council adopted the Official Plan following extensive review and public consultation over the last four years.
Over the next 30 years Aurora will continue to grow and change. It is expected that in 30 years an additional 23,100 people will move to our town and call Aurora home. Over that same time period, an additional 10,600 jobs will be created for people to work in Aurora. In total, by 2051 it is predicted that Aurora will grow to a population of 85,800 and have a job market with more than 41,600 jobs.
Some of the key changes and enhancements in the Plan include:
- Policies to promote and prioritize the provision of affordable housing
- Directs growth to newly characterized strategic growth areas
- Focus on gentle intensification within existing residential neighbourhoods
- Policies for climate change resilience, natural heritage protection and cultural heritage preservation
- Prioritization of active transportation including improvement of sidewalks and cycling infrastructure The adopted plan is now pending final approval by Regional Municipality of York.
Thank you for helping to shape this important blueprint for our Town's future.
OPR Update: Phase One Complete!
Share OPR Update: Phase One Complete! on Facebook Share OPR Update: Phase One Complete! on Twitter Share OPR Update: Phase One Complete! on Linkedin Email OPR Update: Phase One Complete! linkThank you to everyone who participated in Phase 1 of the Aurora Official Plan process!
We received feedback from the various digital tools here on Engage Aurora, as well as through a public Vision Workshop and from project committee members. This feedback has been used to inform the project’s Vision and Guiding Principles, which will guide the direction of the next phases of the Official Plan Review.
View the full engagement report now in the Document Library on the righthand side.
Stay tuned for engagement opportunities during Phase 2!
A Vision Survey is also coming soon! This survey will help us confirm whether we “heard it right” and understood the key priorities and principles identified during the Phase 1 engagement activities.
Official Plan Review Update
Share Official Plan Review Update on Facebook Share Official Plan Review Update on Twitter Share Official Plan Review Update on Linkedin Email Official Plan Review Update linkJoin us for a Virtual Public Planning Meeting of Council where we will be providing an update on the Official Plan Review.
📣Members of the public are encouraged to share their feedback on the Official Plan Review with staff and Council at this meeting. 📣
Tuesday, December 8
7:00 p.m.
To view the livestream of this meeting, visit:
Provide your input on the Official Plan Review by speaking at the meeting and/or by making written submissions to the Clerk of the Town of Aurora. For more details, visit: -
Participate in the Virtual Vision Workshop & Self-Guided Walking Tours
Share Participate in the Virtual Vision Workshop & Self-Guided Walking Tours on Facebook Share Participate in the Virtual Vision Workshop & Self-Guided Walking Tours on Twitter Share Participate in the Virtual Vision Workshop & Self-Guided Walking Tours on Linkedin Email Participate in the Virtual Vision Workshop & Self-Guided Walking Tours linkWhere will housing, industry, offices, shops and roads go in the future? The Official Plan will help answer these questions! Share your vision for Aurora by participating in one (or both!) of the upcoming events:
- Virtual Vision Workshop- Join us virtually on Thursday October 22nd from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to help develop a vision and guiding principles for Aurora’s updated Official Plan. Pre-registration is required. To register for this event and to learn more, please visit:
- Self-Guided Walking Tours- Take a stroll around Town and participate in a self-guided walking tour in Aurora! Identify key themes in the Official Plan and snap some photos along the way. Submit your feedback by October 27. Walking Tour Routes and all the details are available at:
Announcing our OPR Leadership Team and Community Steering Committee
Share Announcing our OPR Leadership Team and Community Steering Committee on Facebook Share Announcing our OPR Leadership Team and Community Steering Committee on Twitter Share Announcing our OPR Leadership Team and Community Steering Committee on Linkedin Email Announcing our OPR Leadership Team and Community Steering Committee linkWe are pleased to announce the Official Plan Review (OPR) Leadership Team as well as the nine members from the Aurora community who have been selected to form the OPR Community Steering Committee.
The Leadership Team serves as an advisory role and includes both Council and Town staff representation. The team is engaged at each phase of the Study through the circulation of project updates and the review of key draft documents.
Steering Committee members will be ambassadors for Aurora’s Official Plan Review process. They will attend regular meetings and workshops throughout the process setting the tone for cooperation; ensuring the planning process is inclusive and open; and providing feedback and advice on recommendations to aid in decision-making.
The members of the OPR Leadership Team are:
- Mayor Tom Mrakas
- Councillor Harold Kim
- Councillor Sandra Humfryes
- Al Downey, Director, Operations
- David Waters, Director, Planning & Development Services
- Edward Terry, Project Manager
The members of the OPR Community Steering Committee are:
- Nick Choo (Resident)
- Elnaz Ghafoori (Resident)
- Kathy Kantel (Resident)
- John Hartman (Resident)
- Tim Hammill (Economic Development Board)
- Jeff Lanthier (Heritage Committee)
- Balpreet Grewal (Community Advisory Committee)
- Sandra Ferri (Aurora Chamber of Commerce)
- John Green (Ratepayers of Yonge Street South)
These individuals bring a diverse and impressive set of experience and knowledge that will be invaluable in guiding our Town through this review.
Additional seats on the Community Steering Committee may be added, as chairs of all Ratepayer Associations in Aurora have been invited, but have not yet confirmed.
Town seeks community members to serve on Official Plan Review Community Steering Committee (CSC)
Share Town seeks community members to serve on Official Plan Review Community Steering Committee (CSC) on Facebook Share Town seeks community members to serve on Official Plan Review Community Steering Committee (CSC) on Twitter Share Town seeks community members to serve on Official Plan Review Community Steering Committee (CSC) on Linkedin Email Town seeks community members to serve on Official Plan Review Community Steering Committee (CSC) linkThe Town of Aurora is looking for up to four members of our community to serve on the Official Plan Review Community Steering Committee (CSC).
Selected members of the CSC will be expected to:
- Participate in approximately 8 meetings/workshops during key milestones of the project over the next 2 – 3 years. Meetings/workshops will be held in the afternoon/evening during the week, and will be approximately 1.5 - 2 hours in duration.
- Become an Ambassador of the project, who promotes and attends public events related to the Official Plan Review.
We are looking for a diverse representation from the community; each member bringing a different opinion and voice to the project.
If you want to share your voice and be a part of Aurora's Official Plan Review, please download and complete the Community Steering Committee Application Form. Completed applications can be emailed to Edward Terry at and must be received by June 30, 2020.
Signup Banner
Who's Listening
Upcoming Key Dates
Project Timeline
Pre-Launch Engagement- 2019/2020
Official Plan Review has finished this stageStart conversations with the community about the Official Plan Review and planning for Aurora's future.
Planner Pop-Ups- Summer/Fall 2019
Staff Report to General Committee - Dec 3, 2019
Open House and Special Meeting of Council - Feb 11, 2020 -
Phase 1: Background Review - 2020
Official Plan Review has finished this stage -
Phase 2: Background Studies & Discussion Papers - 2020/2021
Official Plan Review has finished this stage -
Phase 3: Policy Development - 2021
Official Plan Review has finished this stage -
Phase 4: Official Plan Amendment(s) 2023
Official Plan Review has finished this stage -
Phase 5: Regional Approval - 2024
Official Plan Review is currently at this stage
Document Library
Town of Aurora Official Plan- January 2024 (30.6 MB) (pdf)
MEDIA RELEASE-Town endorses new Official Plan to guide Town growth and development (275 KB) (pdf)
Aurora OPR Draft Plan
FINAL DRAFT Aurora Official Plan Nov 2023 (15.4 MB) (pdf)
Draft Aurora Official Plan June 2022 (17.5 MB) (pdf)
Draft Aurora Official Plan- February 2023 (15.7 MB) (pdf)
Aurora Official Plan Schedules-February 2023 (12.1 MB) (pdf)
Aurora OPR Phase-4: Engagement Summary (6.41 MB) (pdf)
Aurora OPR_Public Open House_Presentation_April 17 2023 (24.9 MB) (pdf)
Aurora OPR Discussion Papers
Policy Gap Discussion Paper (7.24 MB) (pdf)
Natural Heritage Discussion Paper (4.37 MB) (pdf)
Transportation Infrastructure Discussion Paper (4.96 MB) (pdf)
Growth Management Discussion Paper (10.8 MB) (pdf)
Cultural Heritage Discussion Paper (8.56 MB) (pdf)
Complete Communities Discussion Paper (7.27 MB) (pdf)
Phase Three Engagement
Phase Two Engagement
Aurora OPR Public Open Houses- Slides
Phase One Engagement
2010 Town of Aurora Official Plan (7.14 MB) (pdf)
Helpful Documents
- What is an Official Plan?
- Why is the Town updating its Official Plan?
- How is the Aurora Official Plan different from the York Region Official Plan?
- What difference will what I say make in how the Town grows?
- How do I get involved while social distancing measures are in-place?
- How will I know what happens with my feedback?