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Consultation has concluded
We’re upgrading the intersection of Yonge and Wellington to improve safety and sightlines for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
The work includes:
Construction of a new southbound right turn lane*
Replacement of traffic signals
Replacement of sidewalk bays and sections of curb
Roadway repaving
Refresh of rainbow sidewalk
*By adding a new right-hand turn lane, this will also allow for a dedicated left-hand turn lane, leaving the centre lane for motorists to continue straight unimpeded.
Project Background
The intersection of Yonge Street and Wellington Street has long been the subject of traffic operational studies and initiatives. Wellington Street, including the signalized intersection, is under the jurisdiction of York Region. The section of Yonge Street, north and south of Wellington Street, is under the jurisdiction of the Town of Aurora. A York Region Traffic Operation Assessment Report recommended the construction of the Yonge Street southbound right turn lane to address the traffic congestion at this intersection.
A southbound right turn lane is warranted based on both AM and PM peak hour traffic volume and would benefit the intersection operation and safety. Staff will proceed with construction once the land is secured. Once construction is completed, staff will continue to monitor the intersection's operation and safety and update the signal timing plan as needed to ensure optimal performance.
We’re upgrading the intersection of Yonge and Wellington to improve safety and sightlines for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
The work includes:
Construction of a new southbound right turn lane*
Replacement of traffic signals
Replacement of sidewalk bays and sections of curb
Roadway repaving
Refresh of rainbow sidewalk
*By adding a new right-hand turn lane, this will also allow for a dedicated left-hand turn lane, leaving the centre lane for motorists to continue straight unimpeded.
Project Background
The intersection of Yonge Street and Wellington Street has long been the subject of traffic operational studies and initiatives. Wellington Street, including the signalized intersection, is under the jurisdiction of York Region. The section of Yonge Street, north and south of Wellington Street, is under the jurisdiction of the Town of Aurora. A York Region Traffic Operation Assessment Report recommended the construction of the Yonge Street southbound right turn lane to address the traffic congestion at this intersection.
A southbound right turn lane is warranted based on both AM and PM peak hour traffic volume and would benefit the intersection operation and safety. Staff will proceed with construction once the land is secured. Once construction is completed, staff will continue to monitor the intersection's operation and safety and update the signal timing plan as needed to ensure optimal performance.
Have a question about the intersection upgrades? Ask it here!
Share the best solution i could see is advance green going west bound wellington..and advance green going northbound.on yonge.all day all times on FacebookShare the best solution i could see is advance green going west bound wellington..and advance green going northbound.on yonge.all day all times on TwitterShare the best solution i could see is advance green going west bound wellington..and advance green going northbound.on yonge.all day all times on LinkedinEmail the best solution i could see is advance green going west bound wellington..and advance green going northbound.on yonge.all day all times link
the best solution i could see is advance green going west bound wellington..and advance green going northbound.on yonge.all day all times
almost 3 years ago
Thank you for sharing. As Yonge St is a regional road the timing of the stoplights at this intersection is something that is scheduled by York Region, however we will share this suggestion with them!
Share What safety improvements will be made to east and westbound traffic lanes? A designated left turn lane in each east bound and west bound direction would hugely improve safety at this intersection. on FacebookShare What safety improvements will be made to east and westbound traffic lanes? A designated left turn lane in each east bound and west bound direction would hugely improve safety at this intersection. on TwitterShare What safety improvements will be made to east and westbound traffic lanes? A designated left turn lane in each east bound and west bound direction would hugely improve safety at this intersection. on LinkedinEmail What safety improvements will be made to east and westbound traffic lanes? A designated left turn lane in each east bound and west bound direction would hugely improve safety at this intersection. link
What safety improvements will be made to east and westbound traffic lanes? A designated left turn lane in each east bound and west bound direction would hugely improve safety at this intersection.
almost 3 years ago
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for your question. However, there are no changes being made at the moment for the east and westbound traffic lanes.