September 12th Update
The mainline sewers have been installed on the North/South leg of the Poplar Crescent. This is a milestone for the project. The remaining work on this section includes connecting the homes to the new sewers and installing the watermain. Once these 2 tasks are complete the road will be paved after new curbs and sidewalks are installed.
Work has begun on the East/West leg of Poplar Crescent. We started at the top of the Crescent where we started the first section and now we are working East towards the plaza. We are currently installing the main sewers in the road. Once the main sewers are complete the watermain will be installed, then sidewalk and curb and then paving.
We are aiming to complete the project before the end of the year.
The Town and Trisan Construction and very grateful for everyone's patience and cooperation.