Town of Aurora Budget Survey 2024
Thank you for participating in this important survey as it will help staff shape our draft budget for the coming year. This survey is anonymous and voluntary. Individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.
The Town of Aurora receives the majority of its revenues from property taxes. We develop a budget for every fiscal (calendar) year; an extensive, thorough process, involving stakeholders’ input and reflecting decisions made throughout the year. Town priorities align with Council’s priorities and our approved Strategic Plan.
The majority of the Town’s total budget is allocated to our front-line services such as roads, parks, recreation, fire, development, and library services. The remaining budget funds are allocated to resources required to support these front-line services.
The approved 2023 annual budget for the Town of Aurora was $315.0M, including $112.6M for operating expenditures and $202.4M allocated to capital expenditures. For more information on the 2023 budget please visit: aurora.ca/budget2023