Official Plan Review
Consultation has concluded
Town endorses new Official Plan to guide Town growth and development
Aurora Town Council adopted the Official Plan following extensive review and public consultation over the last four years.
Over the next 30 years Aurora will continue to grow and change. It is expected that in 30 years an additional 23,100 people will move to our town and call Aurora home. Over that same time period, an additional 10,600 jobs will be created for people to work in Aurora. In total, by 2051 it is predicted that Aurora will grow to a population of 85,800 and have a job marketContinue reading
Town endorses new Official Plan to guide Town growth and development
Aurora Town Council adopted the Official Plan following extensive review and public consultation over the last four years.
Over the next 30 years Aurora will continue to grow and change. It is expected that in 30 years an additional 23,100 people will move to our town and call Aurora home. Over that same time period, an additional 10,600 jobs will be created for people to work in Aurora. In total, by 2051 it is predicted that Aurora will grow to a population of 85,800 and have a job market with more than 41,600 jobs.
Some of the key changes and enhancements in the Plan include:
- Policies to promote and prioritize the provision of affordable housing
- Directs growth to newly characterized strategic growth areas
- Focus on gentle intensification within existing residential neighbourhoods
- Policies for climate change resilience, natural heritage protection and cultural heritage preservation
- Prioritization of active transportation including improvement of sidewalks and cycling infrastructure The adopted plan is now pending final approval by Regional Municipality of York.
Thank you for helping to shape this important blueprint for our Town's future.
Public Meeting April 17
Share Public Meeting April 17 on Facebook Share Public Meeting April 17 on Twitter Share Public Meeting April 17 on Linkedin Email Public Meeting April 17 link20 Mar 2023Aurora Town Council will hold a Public Meeting to receive input on the proposed Official Plan Amendment after a Town led Official Plan Review process to update the existing plan.
Interested in speaking during the public portion of the meeting? We welcome your feedback in person or electronically. To participate electronically, pre-registration is required. More details at: link)
Date: April 17, 2023Time: 7 p.m.
Where: Aurora Town Hall, Council Chambers
Join us for our Open House
Share Join us for our Open House on Facebook Share Join us for our Open House on Twitter Share Join us for our Open House on Linkedin Email Join us for our Open House link21 Feb 2023We're hosting a Public Open House to our community the opportunity to review and learn more about the draft updated Official Plan. The Town’s updated Official Plan is the culmination of the Official Plan Review (OPR) and will reflect the feedback received from the community after extensive public consultation, over the last two years.
The Public Open House will involve a presentation and drop-in format that allows for one-on-one conversations with the project team. *Presentation begins at 6:30 p.m.
The updated draft Official Plan is now available for review, and we encourage everyone to review the document ahead of the Public Open House. -
Join us for our upcoming Open House
Share Join us for our upcoming Open House on Facebook Share Join us for our upcoming Open House on Twitter Share Join us for our upcoming Open House on Linkedin Email Join us for our upcoming Open House link17 Nov 2022This event is open to the public and there is no need to register in advance.
- Who: The Town of Aurora will host a public open house to present and discuss the Draft Official Plan Amendment; the outcome of the on-going Official Plan Review. The Town’s updated Official Plan will reflect the feedback received from the community after extensive public consultation over the last two years. The updated Official Plan will articulate a revised vision for town planning over the next 30 years. The public open house will involve a presentation and drop-in format that allows for one-on-one discussion with the project team.
- Where: Aurora Town Hall
- When: Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 6-8 PM, presentation begins at 6:30 PM
Draft Official Plan Amendment is ready for your review
Share Draft Official Plan Amendment is ready for your review on Facebook Share Draft Official Plan Amendment is ready for your review on Twitter Share Draft Official Plan Amendment is ready for your review on Linkedin Email Draft Official Plan Amendment is ready for your review link05 Jul 2022The Aurora Official Plan Review (OPR) has come a long way! After extensive public consultation throughout the last two years, the Town of Aurora has now released a draft Official Plan Amendment with a revised vision for town planning over the next 30 years.
Some of the key changes and enhancements being proposed in the draft Official Plan Amendment include policies for climate change resilience and natural heritage protection, cultural heritage preservation, active transportation, the updated Promenade/Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan, updated maps and schedules and so much more.
Review the draft now and share your comments/feedback in the comments tab to the right.
Review our Policy and Strategic Directions and; the Aurora Promenade and MTSA Discussion Paper
Share Review our Policy and Strategic Directions and; the Aurora Promenade and MTSA Discussion Paper on Facebook Share Review our Policy and Strategic Directions and; the Aurora Promenade and MTSA Discussion Paper on Twitter Share Review our Policy and Strategic Directions and; the Aurora Promenade and MTSA Discussion Paper on Linkedin Email Review our Policy and Strategic Directions and; the Aurora Promenade and MTSA Discussion Paper link08 Feb 2022Thanks to your feedback, we have prepared the Aurora Official Plan Review Policy and Strategic Directions Report and Aurora Promenade and MTSA Secondary Plan Discussion Paper for your review. The documents can be found on the right side of this page in the Documents Library.
The Policy and Strategic Directions Report builds upon the topics, opportunities, constraints, and policy conformity gaps addressed in the Phase 2 Discussion Papers, as well as feedback received from the community and to compile preliminary policy directions.
The Aurora Promenade and MTSA Secondary Plan Discussion Paper addresses key aspects related to population and employment growth within the Promenade and the Aurora GO Station MTSA including where growth should occur and what it might look.
Join us for a virtual Workshop
Share Join us for a virtual Workshop on Facebook Share Join us for a virtual Workshop on Twitter Share Join us for a virtual Workshop on Linkedin Email Join us for a virtual Workshop link04 Nov 2021As part of the Official Plan update, we are reviewing and updating the Aurora Promenade Secondary Plan which encompasses Downtown Aurora and its broader area, including the Aurora GO Station which is identified as a Major Transit Station Area (MTSA).
Join us for the upcoming Virtual Workshop to share your thoughts and help create a community-led Secondary Plan framework for the Promenade and Aurora GO Station MTSA that balances planned growth and vibrancy, while maintaining and enhancing key characteristics of the area. -
Virtual Open House
Share Virtual Open House on Facebook Share Virtual Open House on Twitter Share Virtual Open House on Linkedin Email Virtual Open House link07 Oct 2021Join us for our upcoming virtual OPR Public Open House where we will discuss the Draft Policy and Strategic Directions Report.
We will be presenting highlights of the draft Report and seeking your input as we begin drafting updated policy for the Town’s Official Plan.
Register now on Eventbrite(External link)
Discussion Papers ready for your review!
Share Discussion Papers ready for your review! on Facebook Share Discussion Papers ready for your review! on Twitter Share Discussion Papers ready for your review! on Linkedin Email Discussion Papers ready for your review! link18 May 2021Thank you to everyone who participated in Phase 2 of our Official Plan Review process by sharing feedback here on Engage Aurora, as well as through attending meetings, focus groups and open houses.
A series of studies and discussion papers are now ready for your review. Review the discussion papers in the Document Library on the righthand side of the page and share your thoughts in the comment section as well!
Official Plan Review Update
Share Official Plan Review Update on Facebook Share Official Plan Review Update on Twitter Share Official Plan Review Update on Linkedin Email Official Plan Review Update link26 Apr 2021Join us for a Virtual Public Planning Meeting of Council where we will be providing an update on the Official Plan Review.
📣Members of the public are encouraged to share their feedback on the Official Plan Review with staff and Council at this meeting. 📣
Tuesday, May 11
7:00 p.m.
To view the livestream of this meeting, visit: link)(External link)
Provide your input on the Official Plan Review by speaking at the meeting and/or by making written submissions to the Clerk of the Town of Aurora. For more details, visit: -
Join us for our upcoming Open Houses
Share Join us for our upcoming Open Houses on Facebook Share Join us for our upcoming Open Houses on Twitter Share Join us for our upcoming Open Houses on Linkedin Email Join us for our upcoming Open Houses link08 Feb 2021The OPR team is preparing four discussion papers, and we need your input!
Please join us for a series of virtual Public Open Houses. Each Public Open House will focus on a single topic, as follows:
- Growth & Infrastructure: February 24th, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
- Natural Heritage Network: March 3rd, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
- Complete Communities: March 10th, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
- Cultural Heritage & Archaeology: March 24th, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
You can register for one or all of the Public Open Houses on Eventbrite at: link)
Signup Banner
Who's Listening
Upcoming Key Dates
Project Timeline
Pre-Launch Engagement- 2019/2020
Official Plan Review has finished this stageStart conversations with the community about the Official Plan Review and planning for Aurora's future.
Planner Pop-Ups- Summer/Fall 2019
Staff Report to General Committee - Dec 3, 2019
Open House and Special Meeting of Council(External link) - Feb 11, 2020 -
Phase 1: Background Review - 2020
Official Plan Review has finished this stage -
Phase 2: Background Studies & Discussion Papers - 2020/2021
Official Plan Review has finished this stage -
Phase 3: Policy Development - 2021
Official Plan Review has finished this stage -
Phase 4: Official Plan Amendment(s) 2023
Official Plan Review has finished this stage -
Phase 5: Regional Approval - 2024
Official Plan Review is currently at this stage
Document Library
Town of Aurora Official Plan- January 2024 (30.6 MB) (pdf)
MEDIA RELEASE-Town endorses new Official Plan to guide Town growth and development (275 KB) (pdf)
Aurora OPR Draft Plan
FINAL DRAFT Aurora Official Plan Nov 2023 (15.4 MB) (pdf)
Draft Aurora Official Plan June 2022 (17.5 MB) (pdf)
Draft Aurora Official Plan- February 2023 (15.7 MB) (pdf)
Aurora Official Plan Schedules-February 2023 (12.1 MB) (pdf)
Aurora OPR Phase-4: Engagement Summary (6.41 MB) (pdf)
Aurora OPR_Public Open House_Presentation_April 17 2023 (24.9 MB) (pdf)
Aurora OPR Discussion Papers
Policy Gap Discussion Paper (7.24 MB) (pdf)
Natural Heritage Discussion Paper (4.37 MB) (pdf)
Transportation Infrastructure Discussion Paper (4.96 MB) (pdf)
Growth Management Discussion Paper (10.8 MB) (pdf)
Cultural Heritage Discussion Paper (8.56 MB) (pdf)
Complete Communities Discussion Paper (7.27 MB) (pdf)
Phase Three Engagement
Phase Two Engagement
Aurora OPR Public Open Houses- Slides
Phase One Engagement
2010 Town of Aurora Official Plan (7.14 MB) (pdf)
Helpful Documents
- What is an Official Plan?
- Why is the Town updating its Official Plan?
- How is the Aurora Official Plan different from the York Region Official Plan?
- What difference will what I say make in how the Town grows?
- How do I get involved while social distancing measures are in-place?
- How will I know what happens with my feedback?